Here with the latest news & announcements relating to World of Talent 2021
15/07/21 The World of Talent YouTube channel is launched. If you missed a session at World of Talent 2021, you can now catch up as all sessions from the conference are available on demand.
18/06/21 Here with a short summary of day 2 and a focus on the final day
17/06/21 Here with a short summary of day 1 and a focus on day 2
11/06/21 The program for World of Talent 2021 is finalised, we look forward to welcoming you virtually next week
11/06/21 World of Talent 2021 is excited to offer a special session: an exclusive Q&A with Professor Joseph Renzulli on 'Assessment for Learning' on Thursday 17 June at 17.30-18.00. Building on his ongoing work to look at a broader set of information than just test scores to promote talent development, Professor Joseph Renzulli of The University of Connecticut has provided a video contribution to supplement the exclusive live Q&A session, an abstract of the session and an accompanying video can be found via this link. If you have not yet registered for World of Talent 2021, now is a great time, registration
04/06/21 less than 2 weeks now to kick-off #worldoftalent2021
04/06/21 Final keynote speakers confirmed
Wednesday 16 June 2021, Jennifer Lease Butts - Assistant Vice Provost for Enrichment Programs and Director of the Honors Program at the University of Connecticut & Jaclyn M. Chancey - Assistant Director for Curriculum, Assessment, and Planning for the University of Connecticut Honors Program will present their session titled: Honors at the University of Connecticut.
27/05/21 Hanzehogeschool's Teacher of the Year 2021 - Jessica Zweers confirmed
Friday 18 June 2021, Hanzehogeschool's Teacher of the Year for 2021 - Jessica Zweers will be presenting a session on how to design an interdisciplinary honors module during an international pandemic as well as dicussing online education for the future.
21/05/21 HIFLO announced and registration open
The HIFLO event has been launched, you will find more information on our HIFLO page, we look forward to welcoming you on 23 June 2021
22/04/21 Film & online experience with Leo Lambert & Peter Felten
Following the success of their latest work, “Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College”, Leo & Peter have gone deeper, bringing forward the personal stories of hundreds of students, faculty and staff along with survey responses from thousands of U.S. college graduates. It’s a book that makes a new and compelling case for the importance of personal connections on college and university campuses while providing guidance in how to foster those relationships.
Video contribution, plus live panel of distinguished guests and Q&A on 17 June 2021