Honors International Faculty Learning Online (HIFLO)
“Never let a good crisis go to waste” – Winston Churchill
Grounded in honors pedagogy research and facilitated by Honors International Faculty Institute (HIFI) leaders, the community conversation on Zoom is aimed at university or college professors and instructors who aspire to teach academically talented (honors) students. HIFLO is a derivative of HIFI conducted in The Netherlands and the U.S.A. Responding to the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, HIFLO is an online opportunity for international honors educators to learn, collaborate, and exchange ideas, resources, and experiences related to remote teaching and learning. HIFLO'21 builds on the HIFLO'20 content to create a greater depth of understanding what it means to develop an honours community. We invite you to join us and energize your fall teaching!
Participation is limited to 25 attendees. There is no cost to attend.
RSVP by June 11th (link) (opens in a new window)
Creating Online Community: Experiences from Honors
Wednesday, June 23, 2021, 4 – 5:30 p.m. GMT+2, 10 – 11:30 a.m. EST
COVID-19 has prompted pervasive changes to honors and all higher education. For many faculty and students, the imposed shifts to “remote learning” have diminished the intimate sense of community between teachers and students, one of the key pillars of honors education that we have developed in other successful HIFI programs. For others, the “new normal” has created unexpected opportunities to reflect, experiment, take risks, reprioritize, find different avenues for communication, and build new forms of intentional online communities. Join us to co-create online: sharing resources, tools, and experiences, and modeling strategies for sustaining the bonds of community that distinguish honors and all good teaching and learning, based on what we have learned during the past year.

Dr. Marca Wolfensberger
Lead Researcher of the “Talent Development in Higher Education and Society" group at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Honors Coordinator at the Geoscience Faculty, Utrecht University, recognized internationally for her honors research, teaching, and advising on honors education, NCHC Fellow, EHC Founding Member, and President.

Dr. John Zubizarreta
Emeritus Professor of English and Director of Honors and past Director of Faculty Development, Columbia College; NCHC Fellow; former NCHC President; recipient of NCHC Sam Schuman Award for Excellence; Carnegie Foundation/CASE U.S. Professor of the Year; Co-chair of the NCHC Teaching & Learning Committee.

Dr. Beata Jones
Professor of Business Information Systems Practice, Honors Faculty Fellow, founding business honors program director, Texas Christian University, Chair of the NCHC Professional Development Committee, recipient of several teaching and curriculum innovation awards, Fulbright Scholar.