Conference Program
Please check back regularly as the program for World of Talent 2021 is confirmed. You will be able to join each session individually, there is also the possibility for online networking and for breakout chats etc. We encourage you to book early, and look forward to welcoming you virtually on the following days -
Wednesday 16 June 2021: 'Setting the stage'
Thursday 17 June 2021: 'Moving forward stronger'
Friday 18 June 2021: 'Ways towards a World of Talent
The below program is final latest version in PDF
Registration is free and is now open, you can register via this link (opens in a new window).
Wednesday 16 June 2021: Setting the stage
13.00 - 14.00
Kickoff/ Introduction
Hanzehogeschool CvB, Marca Wolfensberger & guests, NL
Honors at the University of Connecticut
Jennifer Lease Butts & Jaclyn Chancey, US
Track 1
14.30 - 15.30
Selection in higher education and predicting academic performance
Susan Niessen, NL
Track 2
Experiences from establishing a cross-disciplinary Honors program at the University of Oslo
Sørenssen / Idsøe, NO
Track 3
Hanze’s new model for Honors education
Pieter Veenstra & HHC, NL
16.00 - 16.45
Equipping teachers to support talent development: the CoTalent tools
CoTalent, EU
20.00 - 20.45
Excellence in Honors and Talent Development: What is it and why is it even more important today?
John Zubizarreta, US
21.00 - 21.45
Overview of support for scholarship students at Massey University: "Scholars@Massey"
Tracy Riley & Aniek Hilkens, NZ
Thursday 17 June 2021: Moving forward stronger
Track 1
09.45 - 10.30
Building new Honors programs – teacher and student view
The making of Copenhagen Honors College -
Nina Troelsgaard Jensen, DK
Honors at TU Wien -
Ulrich Schmid , AU
Track 2
Conceptions of and opinions on excellence
Framework for Analyzing Conceptions of Excellence –
Elanor Kamans, NL
Teachers' opinions on introducing/developing Honors programs and policies in HEIs in Romania
Carmen Cretu, RO
10.45 - 11.30
Relationship-Rich Education: How human connections drive success in college
Leo Lambert & Peter Felten, US
11.30 - 12.15
Live Q&A (+ panel) with Leo Lambert & Peter Felten, US
12.15 - 13.00
Lunch & networking
13.00 - 14.00
Pillars of democracy
Gemma Coughlan, UK, Naomi Yavneh, US & Gert-Jan Wormmeester, NL
with Hanze Honors students, NL
14.15 - 14.45
Building Skills through Ungrading
JW Turner, US
Honors Colloquium: Interdisciplinarity and Internationalism
Martina Kolb
15.00 - 15.45
Honors students’ practices and experiences
Honors students’ experiences and coping strategies for waiting in schools and at university –
Sara Hinterplattner, AU
Critical visual thinking in Honors education – Maria Tarasova, RU
Initiating Honors – the institutional view
Honors program accreditation in France -
CMI / Figure network -
Maxime Jacquot & Laura Lallement, FR
Building an Honors College from scratch - Christian Brady, US
16.30 - 17.15
The Honors Mindset: A Student Showcase
Hanze Honor's College students, NL
Teachers development: Sharing Insights
Hanze Honor's College teachers, NL
17.30 - 18.00
Live Q&A session: Assessment For Learning: The Missing Element For Identifying High
Professor Joseph Renzulli, US
20.00 - 21.15
Swarthmore College’s Honors Program: Critical engagement, engaged scholarship and community building
Amy Vollmer, US
Friday 18 June 2021: Ways towards a World of Talent
Track 1
09.00 - 09.45
Spin-off of Honors innovations to regular programs
Pierre van Eijl, Natascha Kuipers & Albert Pilot, NL
10.00 - 11.00
Honors Approach applied to the regular student population: a collective learning journey from three different perspectives (student - faculty - management)
Nitie Mardjan & Kris Holkenborg, NL
Track 2
Honors program transdisciplinary insights at KU Leuven
Anne-Mieke Vandamme, Ariel Alexis Pacific & Dominique Troost, BE
How to mobilise all talents for sustainable development?STEAM+, EU
James McGeever, LT, Luca Corazzini, IT & Anne Snick, BE
Track 3
Online Honors Experiential Learning course
Siobhán Ní Dhonacha, US
Too Many Gaps: How talent seeps away and what we can do about it