Ulrich Schmid - Full professor, head of the Embedded Computing Systems Group and program coordinator of the Bachelor with Honors program at the Faculty of Informatics, Tu Wien
In his talk, Ulrich will provide an overview of the cornerstones of the Bachelor with Honors program of the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien, which "... aims to nurture outstanding students in line with their talents, and to engage them in scientific research at an early point in their studies." He will briefly report on its current status and on some lessons learned during its setup phase. Moreover, Ulrich will reveal some ideas for a follow-up Master with Honors program, which is in the early phase of its development.
Ulrich Schmid is full professor and head of the Embedded Computing Systems Group at the Faculty of Informatics at TU Wien. He is also program coordinator of the Bachelor with Honors program as well as of
the Bachelor and Master curricula in "Technischer Informatik" (Computer Engineering) of the faculty. Ulrich Schmid studied computer science and mathematics and also spent several years in industrial electronics and embedded systems design. He authored and co-authored numerous papers in the field of theoretical and technical computer science and received several awards and prices, including the prestigious Austrian START prize in 1996. His current research interests focus on the mathematical and logic-based analysis of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms and real-time systems, with special emphasis on their application in systems-on-chips and networked embedded systems.

Building new honors programs
- teacher and student view