Nina Troelsgaard Jensen - Associate professor at University College Copenhagen, Institute of Teacher Education since 1996. Head of Copenhagen Honours College since March 2018.
The Copenhagen Honours College (CHC) is the first full scale honours program at the level of higher education in Denmark. The program consists of a variety of extracurricular activities designed to attract talented students in the second half of teacher education.
This presentation will focus on the contents of the CHC program and the underlying ambitions to use the honours program as a catalyst for development of the regular teacher education. Further more some of the challenges of developing and implementing a honours program in a country where the term “Talent” can be difficult to bring into the educational discourse, will be presented.
Participants are invited to discuss various aspects of designing and implementing an honours program in higher education.
Nina Troelsgaard Jensen is an associate professor at Institute of Teacher Education at University College Copenhagen. As an educated astrophysicist she teaches physics and chemistry to future science teachers in grade school. She also teaches courses in talentspotting and -development as well as pedagogical leadership.
As a project manager Nina Troelsgaard Jensen is involved in various research and development projects with topics such as collaboration between schools and companies and scientific literacy. Furthermore, she functions as national coordinator in Denmark for the CoTalent-project (www.Cotalent.eu) and STEAM+ project (www.steamtalent.eu).

The making of Copenhagen Honours College