Sara Hinterplattner - Coordinator for Gifted Education and Talent Development, University College of Education Upper Austria & Program director of the study “Specialist in Gifted Education and Talent Development”
This talk gives an insight about an exploratory study that investigates perceived waiting time of gifted high achieving honors students at university and the change of this perceived waiting time from their school days in secondary school. The focus lies in finding reasons for, experiences with, and coping strategies for waiting time in classes at the two types of institutions. Interviews with gifted university students were conducted and qualitatively analyzed.
Sara Hinterplattner holds a Ph.D. degree in Natural Sciences, a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Mathematics Education, and a Bachelor degree in Computer and Media Security. Her research interests include gifted and honors education, computer science education and educational technology, and gender and diversity studies.
Honors students’ experiences and coping strategies for waiting in schools and at university